Monday, January 02, 2006

Moving Advertisement Boards

I am sure every living creature on this earth now knows that Bangalore lacks infrastructure to sustain its growth, the traffic is a mess, and in general quality of life is quite bad.

I am going to add a little bit more to that mess ..

I have been noticing these 3 wheelers which tow advertisement boards all over town. They have no other purpose, just drive around town towing this hoarding. they stop at busy intersections and generally loiter around. they want people to see this hoarding so they drive in the middle of the road at snail's pace and cause numerous problems. Like we had lesser problems to deal with.

I am supremely unhappy with this. How can the organization allow something like this ? Like we had enough commercials on radio or TV , we now have 3 wheelers running all over town selling wares that range from insurance to colour TVs.

Ok now get ready for the kicker.. what prompted me write today was i saw a canter (mini-truck).. a proper canter which takes up half the road and uses tons of fuel, mounted with floodlights and a grissly hoarding right in the middle of a busy street. what a waste of money i thought as i tried to pass it with one hand stuck on the horn. I did not even look at the product that was being pimped .. i had one other thought which would appeal to a lot of people in Bangalore.. unfortunately it cannot be published on a public blog.


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